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Welcome to the art zone

art creative


This zone is for posting creative stuff you make

Zone Founder

Here is an art thing I did today pls enjoy


Zone Founder


bird on skateboard

It’s a bunch of gesture drawings of people grouped together with some crayons over it.

Zone Founder


crayon is unironically my favorite medium

here we go

Really? I used to use crayons a lot. Now I mix it in with other things like color pencil and a bit o watercolor

I’m trying all sorts of different mediums out. Recently ordered some acrylic paints online, hopefully they’ll be here by Saturday.

Zone Founder

the fart zone

I hate gamers

From: rodentplan at 2017-12-01 01:28:34

crayon is unironically my favorite medium

What are some of your other favorite mediums

Maybe I can make something for u

From: Piloswine at 2017-12-01 18:54:22
the fart zone


Zone Founder

i’d like to see something in pen anything you did would be appreciated though

i actually already have a pictures of yours hanging up on my whiteboard, you drew me frieza some time back

here we go

O snap did i? Glad you liked it. Was it the one with a bunch of different pen colors?

Zone Founder

it might have been originally but my printer only does black and white unfortunately lolz

here we go

I’d like to see it if you can take a photo …

I’m not working right now so it means I’ve got a lot of time to do art. Hopefully I can make good use of this time

Zone Founder


good luck w/ your arting and looking forward to seeing what comes of it

here we go

Thanks, and I’m glad freeza is in good hands:)))

Zone Founder

that rules

bird on skateboard

From: Tiko at 2017-12-02 06:06:59
that rules

Ty tiko

Zone Founder

things as things that are other things which go somewhere do something never come back but you get something later

riot (neon) riot
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